A talented bestial martial artist, stripped of his pride.
Flashstep - 10m high speed movement within a single second; a dash movement ability. 2 turn cooldown.
Wind Fists - Channeling inner mana, Charll's melee strikes can hit enemies from up to 5m away.
Martial Prowess - Charll's weapon is his very body. Claws that can rend steel, mouth with sharp fangs and strong knees and elbows, he excels in unarmed fighting with great potential for further growth physically and mana-wise, while also possessing high strength and speed that enables him to lift and throw very heavy objects.
Wolf Sense - His five senses are enhanced, much better compared to a Human. This also enables him to consume flesh to recover wounds, with an adult-sized male enabling regeneration for the body.
Unarmored Defense - Natural armor comparable to chainmail. He also possesses moderately higher natural resistance to most elements.